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02.02.2017....Besuch vom London Pipeclub

#1 von nilst , 18.01.2017 08:54

Am Donnerstag, dem 02.02.2017, besucht uns Juan Carlos Rincon aus London. Er ist Mitglied im dortigen Pfeifenklub und lässt uns bereits herzlich grüssen.
Homepage: www.pipecluboflondon.com

Beiträge: 1.414
Registriert am: 17.07.2009

zuletzt bearbeitet 18.01.2017 | Top

RE: 02.02.2017....Besuch vom London Pipeclub

#2 von nilst , 18.01.2017 19:18

Juan schrieb heute per Mail:
Dear Nils
Many thanks again for the invitation to the Tabaks Kollegium meeting and the fantastic presentation of me in your forum.
So honoured to be named and so glad to be there and to meet you and your colleagues.

See you in two weeks time.

Best regards,


Beiträge: 1.414
Registriert am: 17.07.2009

zuletzt bearbeitet 06.02.2017 | Top

RE: 02.02.2017....Besuch vom London Pipeclub

#3 von nilst , 03.02.2017 13:21

Schon wieder Geschichte, unser Klubabend mit Besuch.... War interessant, humorvoll und gemütlich....

Ich hatte ein Pfeifchen bekommen und die wurde natürlich eingeraucht...

insgesamt ein gelungener Abend.....

Beiträge: 1.414
Registriert am: 17.07.2009

RE: 02.02.2017....Besuch vom London Pipeclub

#4 von nilst , 08.02.2017 11:41

Dear Nils

You are a fantastic guy!. Thank you very much from the deep of my heart for all your kindness, your time, your lessons, your fantastic work, for everything.
I had a fantastic time in Berlin with you and your colleagues of the Club of Pipes, also with Rico, Monique and her sister, during my "disturbing presence" in your workshop.

I really learned a lot from you, I enjoyed our conversations and I found a great guy and a terrific smart human being. I really appreciated the time, consideration and PATIENCE, that you shared with me and my unusual "requesting works" with my pipes. I am so happy with the results of your work, with the beautiful pipes I bought from you. Really fantastic!.

You are a "very rare jewel" in this materialist world of today and you showed me lots of kindness and generosity that I will always keep in my heart. Thanks for that Nils.

I came back to London really tired of running in Berlin, but SO HAPPY!. I loved your pipes and also you gave me luck. I got a recording job yesterday afternoon, just some hours after my arrival from Berlin. After all this good news, I deserved a celebration and I smoked your Long Apple Estate Pipe...Great Pipe!....One hour and 15 minutes with 2/3 of the bowl... Only you smoked this pipe? It works so smooth and it was a nice experience. And another good thing is that my wife loved this pipe!. Then, totally tested!

Later on, in the next days I will broke in one of your new pipes, which my wife doesn't know yet because I did not open yet my big bag with all the pipes and tobaccos. I am sure that I will have the same approval, but I must be very careful in the presentation because I expend more than usual and she is the "budget controller".

Also, I used and later cleaned a bit my new tamper, the "Primus raucherfreund", my new "smoking friend", and it looks now bright and ready for another 75 years! or more. Thanks for the precious gift. It is really a classic piece of the long gone past, and also my wife loved.

I did not told you, but as you now, my wife is the most precious of my life and I am so happy with her after 19 years in which we grew up together, discovered, support each other, travelled and enjoyed life. She is my balance and in a certain way my judge. I always joke saying that at home, I am the chef and she is the chief! If you understand that, you always be happy.

I am really happy to meet you in Berlin and I will be glad to share more time at the end of July (26 to 31), just one week after my 49th birthday anniversary when I'll be back!...je je. I will try to organise my time to have one day free and work in my "vulcano pipe" at your workshop, probably on Monday 31st or on Tuesday 1st of August, the time starting summer holidays. But I will inform you in advance. When is your birthday Nils?

Ok my dear new friend. Please continue to enjoy life with the same philosophy and being good with your family and the people around you. You are really a fantastic human being Nils.

Thanks for everything and see you in July.....if you are happy to tolerate me!

Best regards,

Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos Rincón
Journalist - Translator
Rincón de cata
PlanetAVino (Spain)
El Espectador (Colombia)
http://rincondecata.com (In process)​
Flat 11, Gaumont House ​ ​
93 Marmont Road
SE15 5TL
London, U.K.
Tels: +44 (0)79.1405 6107
+44 (0)20.3759 9209

Beiträge: 1.414
Registriert am: 17.07.2009


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TKB am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2017

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